Our body needs energy to get through the day. Where this energy comes from? Yes, you are right it’s coming from Food. You need to ensure that you are eating regular meals that your body gets energy it needs to perform throughout the day.
Good nutritious food is important part in leading a healthy lifestyle. Some people skip meals to reduce weight. Skipping meals won’t help you to reduce weight. You will be eating more in the next meal. A better way is to cut down a little in your meal.
There is a proverb says “Eat breakfast like King, lunch like Prince, and dinner like Beggar”.
It is important to have Breakfast. Breakfast is the first meal of the day, and it is the one body converts into glucose. Glucose is vital for the brain and it’s the main energy source for the body. Eating breakfast is like re-fueling your car before the long trip. If you skip breakfast, you will have a shorter attention span, less alert, take longer to react, have low blood sugar, and decreased productivity.
Eat lunch to provide fuel for the afternoon but don’t eat too heavy. It should be a medium sized meal, smaller than breakfast but larger than dinner.
Obesity is a balance between lipid accumulation and lipid breakdown within your body. If you eat a big dinner, the mechanism for lipid accumulation will dominate during the night. Unfortunately, our body doesn’t have a significant lipid breakdown process during the day.
After all these discussion comes the question what are we eating? All adulterated foods… Where were the days we use to eat healthy? As we shifted to metropolitan cities from villages, somewhere are we not missing those healthy lifestyle? Are we not missing that healthy pollution free environment?
We were born in heaven. All these things were running in my mind when I had visited my native and grandma’s place.
Natural food, pure, free of chemicals, free of wax, free of injected chemicals, free of pesticides – I am sure you would understand what I am talking about. Unfortunately, some of these characteristics of edible products which are difficult to find in today’s world.
I remember eating apples skin on, I don’t remember my mom soaking fruits and vegetables in vinegar or baking soda mixed water.
Milk, bread, honey, apple, watermelon, packed fruit juices and soft drinks, coffee, turmeric powder, chilli powder, Edible oils, pulses, rice, black pepper, spices, jaggery, mango, maggi, snacks and sweets, ice-cream, almost all foods are adulterated.
Then what are we going to eat to stay healthy? What do we do to shield ourselves? Who found this food adulteration a way to cheat people and put their health at risk? Is there any solution to get out of this?
Every now and then we keep getting the news about food adulteration. We would forever be in a dilemma about what to eat…
I really wish we could get that fresh unadulterated milk, and unadulterated food which we use to eat in our childhood…
Good one dear
Thank you 🙂