We as a whole know the nuts and bolts of a healthy heart, yet a few propensities are such that we proceed with them without understanding that they are wreaking our heart. Our heart is doing such a job which pumps the blood to our body whole day. Nowadays most of the people are suffering from heart diseases it might be because of the food, lifestyle, tension, work pressure anything can be the reason. So here are some tips to keep your heart healthy and happy 🙂
Don’t sit for very long time
Though it’s a bad news for you… because many of us doing the sedentary, desk job for living. However sitting for too long is unhealthy for your heart as it may increase the risk of Cardiovascular Disease.
Good dental health
Many don’t know the relation between the two. But the good dental hygiene refers to the good heart health. Periodontal disease may lead to heart disease, because the bacteria which creates the gum disease travel into the blood stream and this leads to a rise in the levels of C-reactive proteins, causing blood vessels inflammation.
Get Good sleep
At least seven hours of sleep is necessary. Many study shows that those who slept less than six hours doubled up their risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack.
Know the harmful fats
You have to say no to junk food, packaged and processed foods, quick snacks and bakery items. Those are the products of trans fats, because trans fats raise the levels of bad cholesterol in your body and cut down the good cholesterol.
Blood Pressure
Many people don’t know that they are having high blood pressure. If you are between the age of 18 to 30, check your blood pressure levels every 5 years. And if you are above 30 then better to have a check yearly once.
Healthy diet-healthy heart
The worst culprit are the sugar beverages that we consume including soda and packed juices. In order to improve your diet immediately, the first thing you should do is stop consuming sugar beverages. Also eating of fresh fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts and seeds in a day would be healthy.
Exercise-30 min
Exercise is not only good to keep your heart healthy also it helps to keep you active throughout the day. It may be Yoga, swimming, brisk walking, or cycling for 30 minutes at least five days of the week.
At times, lifestyle changes aren’t enough to control your cholesterol levels, in those instances you need to take the medication recommended by your doctor. But at the same time you need to continue with the lifestyle changes, so that it helps you even more.
Have a Healthy and happy heart… 🙂